LEGO Dimensions Customs Community
LEGO Dimensions Customs Community

The Five Wonders is a custom franchise created by AwkwardActionYT.


Okay, this is just a summary of the beginning, but the levels are kind of easy to explain just by titles, but yeah.

Henry, the main superhero in the group, was sitting in detention with 4 other students. All of a sudden the roof started to crumble. Everyone rushed to the safest place in the room. The corner. The roof almost crushed them. Henry put his arm over his head to protect himself. He closed his eyes. He noticed he had not been crushed. He uncovered his face. He tried to run past a certain point, but that is when he noticed there was a semi-transparent shield blocking him. Everyone wondered what just happened.

Eventually, they all found out their powers and found suits. You can find the powers and names in the packs.


  • The Five Wonders Story Pack